Complimentary Business Planning Services


About 43% of wealthy business owners said they would work to age 70 or later, but only one-third of these owners said they have a written succession plan.1 

BUA works with our carrier partners to offer complimentary business planning services to help you get in front of business owners who need this valuable assistance, at no cost to you or them.  Open doors for business continuation discussions leading to sales of business products, personal income protection, executive benefits, life insurance and much more.

Financial Priorities

A simple checklist to help prioritize specific disability insurance needs.  The checklist can be used through the sales process to help fact find with clients.

Ideal Prospects:  All types of small to medical size businesses

Buy-Sell Reviews

A team of CPAs and attorneys at one of our partner carriers review your clients’ buy-sell agreements to ensure they’re effective and properly funded.  This process helps you gather important information to help meet your clients’ exit planning needs.

Ideal prospects include:

  • Companies with buy-sell agreements that haven’t been reviewed in two years.
  • Companies with operating agreements or partnership agreements, but no buy-sell agreements. 
Informal Business Valuation

Performed by a team of CPAs and consultants, this informal valuation of your clients’ business help identify the next steps for business continuation planning. 

Ideal prospects include:

  • Professional service-related companies such as law firms, dental practices, engineering firms, accounting firms and technology companies, as well as manufacturing and construction companies.
  • Profitable, growing businesses with gross revenues of $500,000 or more.