John Hancock: Underwriting Enhancements 2024


John Hancock has several underwriting enhancements that will positively affect business this year. Two recent enhancements include:

  • Age 80+ -  John Hancock is still following the pandemic guidelines of standard or better, effective immediately they have expanded this to table ratings of 200% or better.  This will allow the opportunity to pick up business in the 80+ space. 
  • Foreign Nationals – John Hancock relaxed some of the requirements in this space last year. They also created a dedicated team within the LIBRA team that handles all your Foreign National cases which created consistency and a strong knowledge base that was necessary to participate in this market.  This change allowed them to write and pay for $15m in this market (as a company), a strong increase over 2022.  Download their HNW Foreign National Market for an overview of their capabilities in this market. 

Please give our life sales team a call at 800.792.6795 if you have any questions.