John Hancock: New Survivorship Guaranteed Purchase Option - Limited-time opportunity


With the lifetime estate tax exemption set to be halved in 2026, high-networth clients face the potential of increased estate taxes in 2026. Many of these clients are waiting on the sidelines — contemplating how much life insurance they should buy. Should they buy what they need today or wait until the future? With insurability being one factor that is often out of their control, many of these clients may be concerned about how a change in health impacts their ability to get coverage in the future, but nonetheless are delaying planning given tax law uncertainty.

Meeting the challenge

John Hancock is excited to introduce a Survivorship Guaranteed Purchase Option that will be automatically included on all qualifying survivorship policies issued after June 3, 2024.* Should the estate tax sunset occur in 2026, the Survivorship Guaranteed Purchase Option will allow clients to purchase a new survivorship life insurance policy between January 1st – June 30th, 2026, without needing additional proof of insurability. It’s an innovative way to empower clients to feel comfortable purchasing what they need today while giving them easy access to additional protection in preparation for anticipated tax law changes.

Here’s how it works

  • Eligible clients with survivorship policies issued between June 3 - December 31, 2024, will have the option to buy an additional policy in 2026 at the same underwriting class
  • The death benefit on the new policy is up to the original policy’s face amount (capped at $5 million maximum)
  • Available for clients ages 75 or younger and for approved risk classes rated 200% or better
  • New policy purchased in 2026 is fully commissionable
  • No charge to access the feature in 2024 or at the time of exercise in 2026

The Survivorship Guaranteed Purchase Option enables clients to protect their families and preserve insurability today, while providing time to acclimate to anticipated tax laws. It reaffirms our commitment to the survivorship market and to help you offer innovative solutions that give clients protection today and flexibility tomorrow.

Combined with unmatched capacity and retention and industry-leading Underwriting and Advanced Markets expertise, John Hancock is ready to be your carrier partner of choice when it comes to estate planning cases

*Inclusion for the VUL version of the survivorship life insurance policy is intended to come at a later date.